Thursday 10 April 2014

Marrying a non muslim

Salaam brothers and sister,
Apologies for my  dissapearance for a while due to some social and more work to attain jannah In shaa Allah.
So my sister in Iman asked a question about marrying a non muslim and what does qur an and hadith say about this. Therefore for the benefit of all my brothers and sisters here, i bring this subject to enlighten your mind and reminder to all of us In shaa Allah.

From an Islamic legal standpoint, your civil marriage to a non-Muslim man is not valid. The invalidity of this marriage is not based on its being a civil contract. In fact, in Islam, marriage is a civil contract with sacred aspects. The invalidity of this marriage is due to the unsuitability of the marriage partner. Muslim women are required to marry Muslim men, on the basis of what Allah revealed:

“Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise.”  (Al-Qur’an, 2:221)

In this Qur’anic verse, we see that faith (in Allah and His Messenger) trump other considerations, including social status. Muslim men are given qualified permission to marry non-Muslim women, however, in another verse:

This day are (all) good things made lawful for you. The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who received the Scripture before you (lawful for you) when ye give them their marriage portions and live with them in honor, not in fornication, nor taking them as secret concubines. Whoso denieth the faith, his work is vain and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter. (Al-Qur’an, 5:5)

No similar permission is given to Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men. In fact, when we examine the hadith (traditions) of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, for biographical information about women in the early Muslim community, we discover that some of them had non-Muslim men who were interested in marrying them; however, these women insisted that these men become Muslim first.

I urge you to consider, in addition to the cautions I have stated above, the difficulty that will be entailed in having children with someone who is not Muslim, yet trying to raise those children as Muslims. It will be possible, yes, but what will you do when you need a positive Muslim male role model for your children, particularly your boys? These are important questions.

Last, but not least, please read the details of the Guidance Prayer (Isti khaar) at my previous post.

May Allah give you clarity, and right spouse In shaa Allah.

Thursday 26 September 2013


Asalaam aleykum brothers and sisters. It has been a while since i've been here. Alhamdulilah for all the blessings for the past 6 and so month it has been nothing but blessings from the Almighty....I chose to be happy.
We are given Blessings upon blessings but one blessing that we need to take advantage of is our Life. Being alive is such a blessing in itself because every second we live is another chance, A chance at doing the right thing and a chance at getting to Jannah and seeking pleasure of our Lord. When we die there are no more chances. So as the days pass, so do our opportunities to be the people of Jannah or the people of Jahanem.
  May we amongst the people of Jannah! Amin.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Muslim Bridal wear

Muslim bridal inspirational dresses from around the world.

Modern and Stylish Vibrant Blue Wedding Jalabiya
Just got to love this bridal outfit. The bodice is slightly fitted with a high-waisted belt. The skirt flares out from the knee length. Swishing When Walking Perfect look for a Beautiful Bride.

Malay Style Blue and Gold Bridal Dress
Malay style bridal dress
Fish-tail (or mermaid) styled skirt with lace train.
Traditional Blue Bridal Dress from Oman
This is a more traditional look. Like the South Asians, Omanis tend to
favor vibrant colors for their bridal wear. This is one sparkling bridal dress!
I also love the traditional head-dress feature.

Asian choice...
Nigerian muslim Bride
Nigerian muslim bride inspiration
Inspiration from Indonesian 
hope these will inspire my beloved sisters in Islam, and may Allah gives us strength to embrace our deen with our heart, actions and lifestyle.
~Ameen~ kisses

Dua' to get a good husband/ wife

Allah (swt) knows every language, you can make dua in your own language after salaah. And it is better if you try  salaat tahajjud in the midnight. Pray as much as you can.
However, if you want to read a dua in Arabic, you can read this dua.
"Rabbi hablii min ladunka zaujan thoyyiban wa yakuuna shohiban liifiddini waddunya wal aakhiroh"
(Ya Rabbi, give me a best husband/wife from your side. A husband/wife who also be my best friend in 'Deen' matter, dunya (matter) and akhirah (matter)
Just talk to Allah like you are talking to your friend. You don't have to be formal with Him! Also, remember the following;

To ask Allah by His Names and Attributes
Allah Ta'ala says,
"And to Allah belongs the beautiful names, so invoke Him by them."
Buraidah reported that the Prophet (swalAllahu alayhi wasalam) heard a man saying, 'O Allah! I ask You, I bear witness that there is no God but You, the One, the As-Swamad (the One upon Whom all creatures depend). He begets not, nor was He begotten; and there is none like unto Him.'
The Prophet (swalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, 'You have asked Allah by His Greatest Name. When one asks Him by this name, He gives, what one desires, and when supplicated by this name He answers.'

Presence of the heart in the du'a
Make the du'a from your heart (even if you are reading the words, i.e., mean what you say)
The whole point of du'a is that a person calls out with a sincere heart to his Creator. This sincerity cannot be achieved if one calls out heedlessly, without earnestness.
Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (swallallahu alayhi wasalam) said,
Make du'a to Allah in a state that you are certain that your du'a will be responded to, and know that Allah does not respond to a du'a that originates from a negligent, inattentive heart.
[at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim]
Abdullah ibn 'Umar reported that the Prophet (swallallahu alayhi wasalam) said: "Hearts are like vessels, some more attentive and capacious than others. When you supplicate Allah you should be certain of being answered, and know that Allah does not answer a supplication that comes from a careless and inattentive heart."
~InnaAllah maaswaabirin~

Monday 27 August 2012

Fasting in the month of Shawwal~ (Sitatul Shawwal)

 Allah (`azza wa jall) says in the Qur’an, "Say (O Muhammad): ‘If you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allaah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
[surah ali-Imran, 3: 31]

 This is a beautiful verse, named by some of the salaf as "the verse of the test", as it tests how true one’s love of Allaah is. They explained that if one loves Allah, then he must show that in his/her following of the Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam). The verse tells us that those who follow the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) if sincere, can insha'Allah expect the following two:
 Allah (ta`ala) loving them
Allah (ta`ala) forgiving their sins.

 One of the ways to manifest our loving of Allah, by following the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) is to do those acts that he (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) advised his Companions, and the Ummah in general, to do. A sunnah which is certainly relevant to us in these days is his(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) practice to fast six days in the month of Shawwal.

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari narrated that Allah’s Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "He who fasts Ramadan, and six of Shawwal, it will be (in terms of rewards) as if he fasted a whole year."
[Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Ibn Majah]

So this is an established sunnah, which carries a great reward.

In commenting on the above mentioned hadith, As-San'ani said in Subul us-Salam: "If the thirty days of Ramadan fasting are assimilated with the six days of fasting in Shawwal, it altogether makes 36 days. According to Shari`ah, each virtue is rewarded ten times. Therefore, if we multiply 36 with 10, it makes 360, a number which equals the days of a year. Some scholars are of the opinion that these six days of fasting in Shawwal must be completed in a continuous order right after the end of Ramadan. Others believe that it is enough to merely complete six days of fasting in Shawwal (in any order, either successive or with intervals), an opinion which is deemed to be correct." We may also fast on Mondays and Thursdays, as in that case we would be following another Sunnah: A’isha (radiAllahu anha) narrated: "The Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) used to fast Mondays and Thursdays".

If it is easier for one to fast on weekends, then in that case one would still be following another sunnah at the same time: Umm Salama (radiAllahu anha)narrated that Allah’s Messenger used to fast mostly on Saturday and Sunday, and he used to say: "They are the festival days for the mushrikeen, and I like to act contrary to them."
[an-Nasa’i, Ibn Khuzaymah, who graded it saheeh, and Ibn Hajar agreed]

10th Month in the Islamic Calendar : Shawwal

Shawwal : Is the tenth month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning of the word Shawwaal:- Uplift/breakage.  Before Islam, Arabs believed that any marriage held in Shawwaal would always turn out to be unsuccessful.  Hence, the month deprived the above metioned meanings, however the superstitious belief was later abolished.

The month Shawwal:- From the months of Hajj, Shawwaal is the first of them.  The first day of Shawwal is Eid-Ul-Fitr and also the day when sins are forgiven.

Six fasts of Shawwal:- In the month of Shawwal it is Sunnah to keep six fasts, as narrated in the following Hadith by Abu Ayyub Ansaru (Radi Allahu anhu) that the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) has said, "If one throughout his life keeps the fasts of Ramadan and keeps six consecutive fasts in Shawwal it will be as though he has kept a whole life time of fasts, and if one keeps the six consecutive fasts for one Shawwal month it will be as though he has observed fast all year round."

Events which took place in Shawwal:-

1) Hadrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) was born in Shawwal four years after Prophethood which is nine years before Hijrah.
2) Hadrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) was married in this month ten years after Prophethood which is three years before Hijrah.
3) The fight between Banu Qaynaqaa took place between the battle of Badr and Uhud (Shawwal 2 A.H. after Hijrah)
4) The battle of Uhud also took place in Shawwal, three years after Hijrah.
5) Hadrat Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) the Beloved Prophet's (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) grandson (son of Hadrat Fatima Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) was born in the month of Shawwal four years after Hijrah.
6) The Beloved Prophet  (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) married Hadhrat Umme Salamah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) in Shawwal in the fourth year after Hijrah.
7) Hadrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah's (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) mother passed away in 5 A.H.
8) The Beloved Prophet's (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) uncle Abu Talib departed from this world during the middle of Shawwal in the year 5 A.H.
9) Imam Bukhari (Radi Allahu anhu) was born on a Friday of Shawwal in the year 194 A.H.

Oooopppsss Belated Eid Wishes!

Assalaam alaykkum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...
I know it is really late.. but only now have i got the chance...So
 EID MUBARAK my dear brothers and my respected sisters...
and among His miracles, He gifted me with oppurtunity to pray Eid prayer  with my beloved brothers and sisters all around the world... Alhamdulilah! .
Wallahi its by  His Grace that we all are still breathing and with good shape Alhamdulilah for all the blessings . 
Apart from that.. i dont know what is currently happening in the world... i hear a lot of calamities are with our brothers and sisters in Syria and other Islamic communities... may Allah help our brothers and sisters in Islam all around the world, May he heals all the sick ones and increase our Iman and love for our Deen...ameen
anyways... i just wanted to share what i think is a greatest grace from Ar Rahman.
I hope i get the chance to read your replies (if any...)
Leaving you in peace
assalaamu alaykkum wa rahmathullahi wa barakatuhu....